What does HA stand for?
HA is an abbreviation for Harrison Assessments.
What does HATS stand for?
HATS is an acronym for Harrison Assessments Talent Solutions.
Is the Harrison Assessment a test?
No, it is not. There are no right or wrong answers. The “questionnaire” is a series of statements that you must rank in order of importance. The Harrison Assessment measures work preferences and related factors.
How were the traits selected and developed?
The traits and their complements were selected on the basis of usefulness through a process of trial, error and gradual refinement. This process too over 10 years of experimentation prior to computerising the software.
Usefulness was determined in four ways:
- Traits were selected in order to identify the requirements of a wide variety of work situations
- Traits were selected that would identify a wide variety of character strengths and personal needs at work
- Traits were selected that related to a wide variety of task requirements
- Traits were selected in order to identify areas for personal growth that would enhance work potential and facilitate team effectiveness
Can a candidate cheat or second-guess the Harrison Assessment?
The candidate can attempt to cheat, but if this happens you will almost certainly know. The consistency score, which measures the consistency of the candidate’s answers, will alert you to possible attempts at cheating. This score ranges from about -450 to +100. A consistency score of zero or less could signal an attempt to cheat. While not infallible, cheating without detection is highly improbable. When compared to the lie detection systems of similar types of assessments, HA is many times more difficult to cheat.
If a candidate has a low consistency score, can s/he complete the HA questionnaire again?
This can be done, and we recommend it if you have only a limited pool of eligible candidates. However, keep in mind that candidates who attempt to deceive the questionnaire may be less likely to succeed in the job, as the same “transparency” and “integrity” issues could constitute a life theme. Therefore, if you have many eligible candidates, it may be best to focus on those whose consistency scores are High (no attempt to cheat) and whose profiles match the profile of the job you are offering. Our consultants will train you how to administer the questionnaire so as to reduce the likelihood of low consistency.
Is HA affected by a person’s mood?
It is not affected by short-term mood swings. However, a few traits can be affected by a person’s current life circumstances, normally over a period of several months. Prolonged and particularly difficult passages in life can lower some scores but changes will rarely be dramatic. HA’s “test-retest coefficient” is very High (.85) in comparison to that of other assessments. When a person completes the questionnaire once and then again three months later, the scores on average will be 85% the same.
Does using an assessment like HA increase the possibility of legal problems?
Assessing/testing is actually one of the best ways for an organisation to protect itself legally. When used as recommended, HA does not violate any privacy laws and conforms to the EEOC guidelines. It removes bias from the selection process because it has been demonstrated to accurately predict job performance, and because it is based on relevant job requirements that are being applied objectively, equally and consistently for candidates for that job.
Is HA biased towards any group?
No, it is not. HA canvasses broad work-related preferences. These tend to be very similar across different racial and minority groups. There are a few task preferences that are different on average for men and women. For example, women tend to enjoy artistic tasks more than men do and men tend to enjoy hard physical work more than women do, on average. These traits do not create any problems with unfair adverse impact because they will only be screened for if the job has those specific requirements. Also, consider that several traits will be relevant, even to a simple job. It is virtually impossible that most of all of the relevant traits will be preferred by members of one group or minority.
What is the age limit and reading level required?
We recommend administering HA to persons who have attained at least the age of 16. Tenth grade reading level (or equivalent) is usually required. However, we know of many cases where younger people with good reading skills have successfully completed the questionnaire.
Can I develop norms for my company?
We recommend the template concept, which goes beyond a mere norm. A template is constructed from your job analysis using the template benchmarking wizard and subsequent confirmation of your analysis by testing your template against your own current jobholders. A minimum sample of 30 is enough to get started. Your high performers should score high against your template and your poorer performers should score lower. This exercise is extremely valuable, as it is the only truly valid process for determining behavioural selection criteria.
Are the results affected by having different cultural backgrounds?
The Harrison Assessment has been used in many different countries and cultures. Because HA is formulated from work-related preferences, the results are very similar across cultures. The questionnaire has been translated into many languages and the translations have been carefully formulated. As a result, there are only minor differences across cultures when different languages are use.
What is the difference between attitudes, traits and behaviours?
These are three elements of the same pattern. A trait is a characteristic or name that we use to describe a tendency to manifest certain behaviours. An attitude is the person’s thought process that is behind those behaviours. For example, a person who tends to say things aha are on his/her mind (behaviour) could be described as “frank” (trait). The thought process behind this behaviour could by “I like to put my cards on the table” (attitude)
Does a HA report tell me how the person sees himself/herself or how others see them?
It tells you how the person tends to behave. This includes behaviour that the person himself/herself may not be conscious of, but that may be observed by others. It also includes behaviour that the person is conscious of, but that others have not observed (for example, a person who manages to curb his/her natural bluntness for the duration of an interview). A HA report is able to describe actual behaviour rather than the perceptions of self or others, because the instrument is based on two theories: Enjoyment-Performance Theory (itself derived from Behavioural Theory) and Paradox Theory.
How much does a person’s level of self-awareness or self-knowledge affect the HA results?
HA is not dependent on the person’s level of self-awareness or self-knowledge. The questionnaire does not require the person to make introspective judgements about himself/herself. It merely requires the person to report on what s/he enjoys doing and what s/he does not enjoy doing. Because the instrument is based on Enjoyment-Performance Theory and Paradox Theory, this methodology reveals workplace strengths and weaknesses (detailers) without the respondent being aware that this is happening. In other words, although the questionnaire appears to be simple at face value and can completed even by those will very limited self-awareness, the results are comprehensive and deep.
How much can the surrounding conditions affect a person’s scores when complete the questionnaire?
For the most part the conditions usually do not affect the result. However, if the person rushes through the questionnaire or is interrupted frequently, the consistency score may decrease. Although a supervised environment is ideal, many people complete the questionnaire electronically in their own environment.
Do a person’s scores change?
The scores remain fairly stable over time and the overall pattern of the profile remains the same for many years. However, some scores can gradually changes, as the person matures and adjusts his/her preferences as a result of coaching or other forms of development.
How frequently should an employee complete the questionnaire?
There is no set time for this but, because the profile remains relatively stable over time, this should not be too frequently. Intensive self-development work may cause minor adjustments in as little as 6 months. In general, younger people change more rapidly that mature people and may therefore derive benefit from re-completing the questionnaire every two years. Mature people (late 40’s onwards) may only need to complete the questionnaire every three years.
How long does the Harrison Questionnaire take?
The Harrison Questionnaire takes only 20-25 minutes to complete but gives us the same amount of data as a full day of testing. The amount of time to take the questionnaire is usually important to most organisations. In today’s fast-paced world with the added pressure of a tight job market, some employers are afraid of having qualified candidates walk out of the selection pool simply because they don’t want to take an assessment. HA has an advantage over most tests in that it only takes 25 minutes. The others that take less time are not able to measure a sufficient number of areas or traits to accurately predict performance.
Why is the Harrison Assessment so good at predicting on-the-job performance and success?
How does the Harrison Assessment compare with 360-Degree Feedbacks?
HA provides a graphic expression of the individual’s behaviour (using the Paradox Theory) to give them a “frame of reference” in which to understand or see their imbalances. A major benefit is that HA displays these imbalances (or strengths) from their own description or own REALITY, which helps them to easier “see” and accept the negative behaviour that is recognised by others.
HA reveals many subtle issues that a 360 cannot reveal because people from the outside could not know these things about the person. HA is more successful at impacting peoples’ behaviours from their own reality because it shows HOW to change and facilitates the desire to change, A 360 can provide some desire to change (if a person accepts the feedback) but they cannot provide the HOW to change the element.
What is the difference between a Performance-Based Assessment and a Norms-Based Assessment?
- Performance-based is more accurate.
- Norms are based on a sample group, which you know very little about or even nothing at all.
- Performance-based is based on “the” sample group. That is, the group or position that you are hiring for.
HA is largely Performance-Based. However, by using a Job Template this becomes the “norm” for that job.
What is a Paradox?
A paradox is two statements that appear to be oppositional or contradictory, that nevertheless are both true. Examples from everyday expressions would be:
You must be cruel to be kind
Less is more
What are Paradoxical Traits?
Paradoxical Traits are two traits that may appear to be opposites but are in fact, synergistic.
What are the implications of Paradox Behaviours?
The two traits within a Paradox limit each other’s effectiveness when there’s a bias toward the independence (value/utility) of one of the traits over the other.
Because the two traits within a Paradox are interdependent, when an individual chooses one as their go-to solution or behaviour and neglects the use of the other, his or her effectiveness is severely limited.
When an individual routinely over-emphasises one of the traits within a Paradox, s/he gets the benefit of the one they choose sometimes, but also incurs the downside of both traits often.
For optimisation and complete behaviour choices within a Paradox - when an individual uses both traits within a Paradox in appropriate situations or both simultaneously when called for, they get the benefit of the versatility of both traits while avoiding the downside of each trait.
What are Behavioural Flips?
“Flips” are short-term emotional reactions a person will show when under the situational stress that occurs within a Paradox - when their dominant behaviour trait isn’t getting the desired results. When a person’s dominant trait it not being successful, the tension and stress builds us and at some point, it is predictable that emotions will take over rational behaviour choices.
What are Behavioural “Blind Spots”?
We generally recognise the benefits of our strong characteristics but we often fail to notice the unintended consequences that can occur. We often trivialise or even “demonise” the balancing trait. This can dramatically hinder our personal and professional effectiveness.
How does the Harrison Assessment process serve as a solution to my Talent Management challenges?
- One assessment can be used for the entire talent life cycle for a given individual.
- The assessment is based on Talent Analytics
- The Talent Analytics are based on Job-Specific Assessment Criteria
What is the difference between Eligibility and Suitability?
Eligibility answers the question: “Can the person perform?”. Do they have the experience, CV/resume, skills, certifications, degree, etc..
Suitability answers the question: “Will the person perform?”. Do they possess the behavioural tendencies to manifest their Eligibility
into successful Performance?
Why should I asses both Eligibility and Suitability when hiring?
Assessing both Eligibility and Suitability is essential for reliable and effective selection of Talent.
HA measures behaviour traits in relation to Job Suitability factors, not just general behaviour or personality.
What is the difference between the Harrison Assessment and Personality Tests?
The Harrison Assessment recognises that every individual is unique and avoids the common practice of categorising people into simplistic personality types/styles (boxes or labels).
Harrison measure behaviour traits that predictively impact performance, not personality styles.
We can change our behaviour but our personality is widely regarded to remain quite fixed.
How can we change behaviour?
Our behaviour is a choice. As such, with increased awareness, we can choose more wisely and differently if we have a framework to make those different behavioural choices. For example, if you want to give up a drink such as coffee you can change what you drink with your breakfast or other meals. You can stop buying coffee so it’s not there to tempt you. If you want to take up a sport, you can join a sports club and so on.
The HA process allows us to leverage our personal development and growth.
What is a HA Debrief?
A HA Debrief, which is often the first step in a coaching programme, is where you’re taken through several Harrison reports to build awareness for future development and growth.
An effective Harrison Debrief helps people reframe their behaviour choices to make wiser choices in the future. You get insight and deep understanding of yourself and your behaviour at work.
Is Harrison Assessments GDPR compliant?
Please contact us for information on how we comply with GDPR